Thursday, August 6, 2009

A Step Into Our Own Backyard

I have decided to take a break from Europe and do a little post on some interesting places to visit in The United States. Many people look to the outisde countries for adventure and intrigue but the thing is that can be found closer than we think. I discovered this when I was reading a newspaper, which happen to publish great travel sections. The Chicago Tribune and New York Times I have found to have some of the best.

I found this featured in the RedEye

Like camping?

-Go to Indiana Dunes, Ind. they have a Dunewood Campground. There is 15 miles of beach and sand dunes that are more than 125 miles high. There is also an old-fashioned drive-in theater. It costs campers around fifteen dollars a night on average.

Island getaways in America.....say what?

-Little Palm Island, Florida

Described to be very much like the Carribbean.... here is the catch, it's a private island resort accessible only by seaplane or boat. Some of the attractions.....swinging on a hammocks strung between the numerous palm trees, snorkeling in a coral reef, relaxing in a bungalow with a neighboring zen garden, and stumbling out the back door and into the water.

- Isle Au Haut, Maine

Do you like the eastern coast, and cute harbor towns.. the epitome of coastal living. The only way to reach this slice of coastal bliss is by a 45 minute mail boat from Stonington, Maine. It features many of the attractions of a coastol retreat including endless supplies of fresh seafood, pretty much directly from the cold waters onto your plate. This island is truly a place to go to enjoy beautiful views, beautiful boats, and fresh seafood. For any fisherman or fish at heart. If you like this location I would also recommend Smith Island, Maryland which also boasts similar experiences.

-Isle Royale, Michigan

This location is perfect for the adventure-seeker. There are many bays for kayaking or canoeing through sometimes choppy waters. There is also plenty of trails for hiking as well as a few places for climbing and making your way through trees and surrounding nature to get to a beautiful landscape view on higher ground. You have the choice between a seaplane or ferry to get to experience this adventure.

-Sapelo Island, Georgia

Are you looking to travel back in time to a simpler time of living off the land and spending time with friends outside? This island has a population of only 50 people. It has a hunting reserve, a single bed and breakfast called The Wallow, a county store that also transforms to a village pub at night (efficient haha), and a restaurant that boasts the best low country gumbo you'll ever find.

-Kodiak Island, Alaska

Nicknamed "emerald isle" which blends Russian history with abundant fishing culture and untouched wilderness including bears. Main activities include sports fishing and wildlife observation.